Saturday, March 21, 2020

Covid 19 and the Domino Principle

Genesis songs have a complexity to their writing that allows for stories to be timeless. They have a shelf life that will last for generations of music aficionados. When a group of talented songwriters comes together, they may not realize at the time they are creating post-modernistic impressions that can be revisited through the course of human history. This is certainly true for Genesis.
Currently, as I write this article the world is going through a pandemic crisis. We look for answers to the complexity of why the world is shutting down. My own children are wondering what is happening. We look for clues to explain the current state of affairs.
This morning, one song in the Genesis archive came to mind. The song is Domino from the Invisible Touch album. Originally, the song was about the war in Beirut in 1982. While a reflection of events back then, the lyrics can be applied universally to life-changing events.
Part I of the song is a personal reflection of how one's actions can impact others. It is a quiet and eerie introduction that sets a great tone for what is about to happen. Part-II is a typical melodramatic orchestration of lyrics and sound that places us in the confusion of the Domino effect. It is a wild ride that reflects the confusion set off by singular events.
Phil Collins would open up the song live with an explanation of the Domino-Principle. When he says, "Everyone's actions over here, impact everyone else's actions over there.", it captures the Covid 19 talking points in every country. The actions of individuals, thus leading us through a crisis can increase or decrease fatalities worldwide. Their actions and lack thereof can lead to a domino effect.
Invisible Touch was an album that had songs that also reflected the actions of our leaders throughout the world. It was written during a time when the world grew tired of the Cold War. The rapid change came in as a short period of time as a reflection of the domino principle in action. While written during a time of post-apocalyptic songwriting that reflected the cold war, it is truly applicable to any human condition. It will be interesting to see how the domino principle plays out after the impact we experience from Covid 19.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. Lots of questions during this uncertain time. Let us all be responsible for our actions.
