Sunday, March 20, 2022

Greek Mythology and Genesis - The Fountain of Salmacis

The lyrics of early Genesis will be one of their legacies that will stand the test of time for future generations. The earliest era, the Gabriel years were rich in allegories. The storytelling was quite unique as most fans know. When you think about the age of the lyricists, it is really telling that their Charterhouse school upbringing gave them rich learning experiences that most likely impacted the music. Most 19 and 20 year old men do not have the experiences of literay allegory as Genesis members had at that time. This allows us to experience literature at a much deeper level than most artists. 

One song that reflects their diverse experiences with literary works is the Fountain of Salmacis. A story from early mythology dating back to the Greek writings of Ovid. These early writings in Greek mythology were explored for generations. The British renaissance writings were no stranger to Ovid and often explored themes regarding Ovid's fourth book, "Metamorphoses." A part of this story telling, is the Fountain of Salmacis which is located in modern day Turkey. Men who have drank from the fountain supposedly take on effeminate traits from the water. 

Fast forward to 1971's Nursery Cryme album. Rich in history, Genesis takes on the story of the attempted rape of Mermaphroditus. The song's take on the story of Salmacis and Hermaphroditus were joined as one. Thus, the story of hermaphrodites. As part of this union, they forever live under the fountain beneath the lake. Peter and Phil explain the lyrics to start the song. Phil's take is a bit more direct regarding hermaphrodites sprinkled with a bit of British Humor. He would often say, "I see a few hermaphrodites in the audience tonight." 

The song itself was last played by the band consistently up until 1978. It was played live 100 times. When Steve Hackett started playing Genesis as part of his tribute, he exceeded the amount of live performances of Genesis by 15 according to the Setlist Wiki. If you add up Steve's time with Genesis and his solo concerts, he has been to the Fountain more than any other member. 

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