Saturday, February 27, 2021

The Granada Documentary - A Time Capsule for Fans to Enjoy

The Granada documentary on YouTube is an important archive of Genesis history. It captures a time of transformation for the band. Filmed during the Duke tour, it offers fans a window into the band's transformation to a much larger audience. Watching the documentary, you get inside the thoughts of the band members during this critical time in the band's history. You also get a nice sampling from the Duke tour which is an added bonus. The music and showmanship were in this author's opinion is probably the best live performances over their 50-year span of live shows. Less theatrical and reincarnations of the past that were closer to what they wanted to achieve after Peter had left. At least from Phil, Mike, and Tony's perspective. You can hear the appreciation in their interviews.

Fans Perspective - What makes this documentary unique is the fan interviews. Documentaries rarely capture a fan's perspective like this one does. One powerful statement that really stuck out for me was the fans talk about the history of the band from Nursery Cryme to Duke. They capture how the band is changing to meet a larger audience of musical tastes. The Prog wars within fans of Genesis are not at their peak and fans are still appreciative of their work. The other part of the band's history that was captured was the fan clubs. How many people remember when bands like Genesis had fan clubs that were unique to this time period. Lastly, the radio contests for meeting the band. Such an integral part of promotions back in the day. 

Band's Perspective - This documentary captures the importance of the following through the music. Each member believes that change is good. This is how you bring new fans into the arena. It is also how you connect people to the past. As the catalog increases, live shows provide the experience for new fans to visit the older catalog. I found this to be very true. The band never forgets the past. This could explain why the music has outlived many of their prog counterparts. 

Song compositions are changing but the reasons for it are clear. A 3-minute song can be just as "hip" as long songs. The band recognizes that their changing tastes rub some people the wrong way. New material needs confirmation just like the older material from the overall fan base. Fans of this era are recognizing some music is not as fashionable as in the past, but it is great music. Genesis now and Genesis can coexist during this time period. It is the later records when the criticisms increase. It is such a shame that the changing tastes in later albums did not have the same respect that existed during this time period. 

The legacy of Genesis - What stands the test of time is the intent of Phil, Mike, and Tony to preserve the legacy of Genesis. For every album and tour, the band wants to expand upon the history. They understand giving 100 percent means the fan base expands. The voyage of discovery continues to new generations. This is why the music is rediscovered on YouTube and social media. The many
incarnations allow for history to speak for itself. This is why the Last Domino Tour is so important in my mind to the band. The legacy continues to bring new fans to the archive of 50 years of music. This is a great documentary that captures the transformation of this journey. It connects the past to the present. 

Author's Note: The entire documentary can be viewed on our Positively Genesis Blog

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