Saturday, September 25, 2021

Genesis 2021 - The Last Domino Tour? Relevancy v. Tribute

I, like some fans of Genesis, have watched the Last Domino tour footage for hours. Even though I have tickets for late November in Buffalo, I wanted to see how this tour is shaping up. I am not that guy who feels spoilers will ruin it for me. Watching them prior to a show gets me excited about the upcoming experience.

After watching the footage and reading the comments online, I am truly excited. A theme is evolving that I hope fans realize makes this tour different. Critics (who probably never went to 2021 or 2007) are saying "oh just the same songs and a money grab." I think they are incorrect. This show is very different compared to 2007. Somehow, this tour is less than a tribute. It is in fact, thanks to timing this concert is about the relevancy of their catalog and emotions of their time together that coming to an end. 

Song choice is different this time. The Invisible Touch album guides some of the relevancy regarding current events. Domino and Land of Confusion, (thanks to the pandemic) are powerful songs. We lived the lyrics throughout this entire pandemic. And let's face it, the title song Invisible Touch got a boost from Orianne. I have heard Phil sing, "She will F*** up your life" for years, but this time it's deeply personal. Even Mama feels different. It feels darker compared to past tours. More reflective of the darkness felt when the mind starts to fantasize during long periods of isolation.  

Some songs are about the mood of the band. Duchess and Fading lights reflect their age and saying goodbye. We know this is most likely the end of the 3 man lineup. Any future projects will not include Phil. This is the final goodbye. Throwing it All Away also has a great backdrop of a digital curtain, hinting this is the final curtain call. 

Comparing this tour to tribute bands like Steve Hackett and the Musical Box will be the go-to for critics that only listen to pre-1977. Genesis post 1977 was never about hanging on to the past. For us fans that enjoy the 50 years of music, we know this band is much more than their progressive roots. For us, this tour is less about authenticity to the pre-1977 past and more about the final curtain call of their entire catalog being played live for one last time. They choose the songs and choreographed a show that is reflective of 2021, not the 1970s. This is a concert to say goodbye to us, and I for one think they did an amazing job. 

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